Edited the previous lists to include a Stormtalon w/ Skyhammer ML. That variation leaves me with 79 points to spend compared to 64 (Double LS-Typhoon) or 21 (Triple Plasma Bike Squad). Not much, but I could drop a Hydra into the mix then, which while fragile, would provide enough additional AA threat to make the list more secure vs. flyer spam.
The only other major build I"m considering strips out the Chimeras (and making a blob squad) for a big TH/SS Terminator squad or a big Crusader squad with krak grenades. The costs are about the same.
The only other major build I"m considering strips out the Chimeras (and making a blob squad) for a big TH/SS Terminator squad or a big Crusader squad with krak grenades. The costs are about the same.