1x Ravager
4x Raider
Command squad with 2x Archons and 5x Incubi
3x squads with Kabalites
2x squads of Six Jet Bikes, 2x Melta thing, 2x Base, 2x Cluster Mine(?)
(You know I really wish people would print out their lists.)
1x Ven Dread, Tank Hunter, EA, TTLC, HF, Drop Pod/SB
2x Terminator squads, 2x Cyclone and 1x PF
4x Crusader squads 5/1, melta, Drop Pod/SB
5x Typhoon Speeders
He set up in a line with his Ravager on one flank, the Raider with his Archons and Incubi on the other and the three Raiders with Kabalites evenly spaced. The two Jet Bike squads were in between the Kabalite Raiders.
I had enough cover so I set up the Dread, one Terminator squad, the single Speeder and one squadron on the left opposite his Archon and the other double Speeder and Terminator squad on the right. All the vehicles were ducked down out of sight allowing no LOS so his only targets the first turn were the Terminators in 4+ cover.
This was a slightly freaking game for both of us with the dice. Things like Krak missiles failing to hit or penetrate but the Heavy Bolters punching through and wrecking Raiders. Or having to make a 5++ save on a SB/PF Terminator and and a pair of 2+ saves on Cyclone Terminators and rolling 6,1,1 so the PF Terminator survived. Or a Raider sitting in place and eating several melta shots, bolters, krak missiles, heavy bolters and coming off simply immobilized, weapon destroyed, shaken and stirred. The amount of fire it took to open that thing up the next turn was cray. I think only one of his blast weapons the Kabalites carry managed to hit anything, or when it hit, everyone made cover saves. His splinter fire was insane though, with multiple times having no missed shots.
I set about my current tactics, which was trying to pop as many transports as possible. I cannot stress how much use that is. I killed two , immobilized a third and killed one weapon on the Raider and shook it.. I only took that show because I'd immobilized the Raider. I lost one Speeder to difficult terrain. Otherwise I just lost a couple SP/PF Terminators.
The Dreadnought put in the best performance I've seen out of one. It killed one Raider by shooting, three Jet Bikes in CC, three Kabalites by shooting, the boss Archon in CC and finished off the Ravager. Of course, I did as much ducking and hiding as possible with him to limit the shots he had to take.
In the end on fifth turn when we decided to quit, all he had left was the immobilized Raider, its squad still mounted inside. I'd lost one Crusader squad, one Terminator squad and one Typhoon squadron for KP purposes. In models, one Terminator SB/PF Terminator survived, from the Crusader squads, I had one with a melta left, one with a bolter left and one intact and of the three Speeders left, one was immobile. I would not have predicted tabling him in this game because the units that could crack him were the Dreadnought and double Speeder squadron I had left and that wouldn't have been until turn seven. Without the mobility to get into CC range, I wouldn't have counted on that if we even got to turn seven.
Lessons learned: Typhoon Speeders are a great counter to Dark Eldar speed. More confirmation that, in general, popping transports and killing flankers is more important that smashing the big stuff. Which would mean that fighting my list, the most important target are the Speeders since they are the fastest way to degrade my firepower. The problem with that tactic is that it will probably allow my Terminators to survive to the end and they are more lethal to vehicles, but that is what I'd do in this case. I asked about his list and he agreed that it might have been better with at least one more Ravager, but he didn't hav