Yep, time to start figuring out what I want to practice with. I've got two variations of IG main with BT allies, mostly around whether I want a plasma bike squad or a pair of Typhoon speeders. These are not my only options, just the first ones up in the slot.
Primary - The High Marshall's Own [IG]
1x CO Command Squad w/ 4xSnipers (or some other config of 20 points) [70] Warlord
2x Ratlingsx3 [60]
2x IG Platoons (Points are doubled in the individual lines except for the SWS, only one of those)
--1x Plt Cmd, AC, 2xFlamer in Chimera [210]
--2x Inf Plt, AC, Flamer, Chimera [480]
--1x Heavy Weapon Squad w/ AC [150]
1x SWS (attached to one platoon), GL, 2xmelta [55] (ride in Valkyrie for now)
1x Valkyrie [130]
Detachment Total: [1155]
Ally - Panacea Crusade, Black Templars
1x Reclusiarch (Rosarius, Crozium, SS, PAxe, TDA) Tank Hunter [153]
1x Terminator Cmd (2xCML/SB/PF, SB/PF, SS/PAxe), Tank Hunter [237]
1x Crusader (5/0, LasCannon, Plasmagun, 3xBolters) [101]
2x Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [140] OR
1x Bike Squad 3xPlasma, 2xNormal, Krak [183]
Detachment Total: [631] OR [674]
Yes, there are still a few points to spend, but I can start with these.
Fixed Assets: 12xAC, 6xMultiL, 6xHB, 2xCyclone, 1xLasCannon. 10 Scoring units.
In a couple of games, I managed to be impressed with the potential capabilities of a plain bike squad, which is actually decently priced in this configuration compared to other codicies, a bit more overall cost, but cheaper plasma and the ability to take three make a few points extra can be useful.
How they play? Squads into Chimeras, they advance or stand as need be. The Crusader, HW & SW squads all take rear area objectives and pew pew. The Terminator squad eases forward shooting, the speeders/bikes snipe around behind the Chimeras, with the Speeders always sniping and the Bikes eventually looking for a chance to pound something wimpy into the ground. The Valkyrie is defensive and one reason I've left some slack in the list is that I may want to rebuild it a different way if between the Valk and HWS augmented by TL order I cannot deal with flyers well enough.