Greetings, by order of the Inquisition, the STC for the Land Speeder is being reviewed for the taint of Chaos, especially the ones equipped for multiple weapon layouts...
I can say that I'll think long and hard about my four and six Speeder lists before I assemble any more. In truth, if I hadn't decided to magnetize them to carry all possible weapons, they really would have been fairly easy to simply glue together in a fixed configuration (especially as I somehow reversed one magnet on each Speeder for the Typhoons). The crew compartment is way too crowded and without the nice torso and arm notches you find for the Marines in the AoBR set, the easy way to do them (assemble the torso, head and arms, then glue them intact into the Speeder), they have to be assembled bit by bit inside the tight confines of the cockpit to make sure the arms all go where you want.
As it is, all of my Marines are finished for tomorrow, although I'll be using my proxy EC since the Speeders have eaten up far too much of my time and still need a bit more work. The last DN is going together now. I'm not going to be 100% happy with the paint jobs the vehicles, but since my clear coat is a thin matte acrylic layer instead of a gloss hard coat, I can go back and finish up some of the fine details later. The only "real" Drop Pod will probably end up unpainted. It has been wet and cold all week long, so my target of spray priming the exterior and interior with a bit of detail work on the exterior isn't going to happen. It wouldn't take long to do, but I don't have an inside place to spray it. A little clear coat in my shower I can get away with...
On the Speeder subject, I've got a few ideas I want to try on the magnet front for the last one I put together. The main trick being to do all the magnetizing before you glue the first piece on. Well, actually, gluing some scrap in a few places to allow for better magnetizing.