We know how the year has been for Black Templar, especially starting it off with me vainly trying multiple variations last year to try to get some kind of list functioning. In the end, having drifted to a BT/IG list that would have required buying, building & painting a bunch of vehicles (above & beyond) those that I had already bought in anticipation of 6th...I bailed out to my Necrons. I was actually tempted to play them again since I already had a proven list variant from last NOVA and to field it would require two vehicles sitting in boxes on my shelf. However, with the recent supposedly dead on accurate rumors of the smurfing...errr...."fixing" of the Black Templar by rolling them up into the Codex of Ultramarine Compliant Chapters, this might be my last shot at running Black Templar that are in at least shouting distance of playing like the fluff.