1x Crusader Squad (5/1, Lascannon, Plasmagun, 4xBP/CCW) [111]
1x Stormtalon w/ SWML [125]
1x CO Cmd Squad (4xSniper) [70]
2x Ratlings x 3 [60]
2x Plt Cmd Squad (AC, 2xFlamer, Chimera, Plt Ldr: BP) [214]
4x Inf Squad (AC, Flamer, Chimera) [480]
1x SWS (2xMeltagun, 1xFlamer) [60]
2x HWS (1xAC, 1xMortar) [135]
1x Vendetta w/ Hvy Bolter Sponsons [140]
Total: [1850]
Plenty of dakka, the Ratlings do count as a high perceived threat so they draw a lot of early fire, minimum the stray fire that would be plinking away at my other targets. Ten scoring units, so there is plenty to grab stuff with. There is an oddity, as I was packing, I was printing out sheets and noticed something odd. Thinking I'd forgotten to add in the 6 points for Tank Hunter for the two extra Terminators, I quickly checked my math, thinking I was short points. Behold, dyslexia to the rescue, my 332 point TDA squad was actually supposed to be 323..ouch. Without pulling out models, trying to figure out what to change, etc.; I simply went with adding in the Bionics and the two Auspexes.