Was missing for a bit, my little laptop was dying and after messing with it for a bit, then dealing with a weekend visit by my sister that turned into one a bit longer, instead of disassembling and reassembling it again I decided to go ahead and buy a new one. I'd long ago decided that I was going to get out of Microsoft's hair when they canned XP while it was still the best selling (and best written and best performing, etc.) OS they had. After all Vista was a bomb, the only thing you can say about Win7 is that is better than Vista, ditto Win8 vs Win7 and all three will light up honest spybot/virus software as obvious malware from all the scanning and reporting they do.
So, I've made the jump over to Linux, specifically Ubuntu. Lots of fun, easy to transition and although there is some learning curve, it isn't very steep
So, I've made the jump over to Linux, specifically Ubuntu. Lots of fun, easy to transition and although there is some learning curve, it isn't very steep