All Black Templars enjoy the thought, or at least the dream, of the old Black Tide lists. Here is a variation after approval of the creation of the High Marshal's Own IG Regiment attached to the Panacea Crusade.
1x Reclusiarch (Crozius, Rosarius, SS, PF) [137]
1x Castellan (SS/PW, Frags) [101]
1x EC-ATW [110]
1x Lord Commissar w/ Camo Cloak & PF (IG Ally HQ) [95]
1x Plt Cmd Squad (part of IG Ally Troop) [30]
5x Infantry Squads (rest of IG Ally Troop) [250]
5x Ministorum Priests w/ Eviscerators (free Ally HQ, attached to IG Infantry Squads) [300]
1x Crusader Squad (10/10, melta, BP/PF, rest BP/CCW, Frags) [305]
1x Las/Plas Crusader Squad (5/0, Lascannon, Plasmagun, 3xBolters) [101]
3x Vindicators (PotMS) [465]
1x Aegis w/ Quad Gun [100]
Total: [1994]
Give an IG squad a Flamer for the last few points or something. The Las/Plas mans the Aegis line for the only AA. The Plt Cmd squad can hold at the Aegis or run grab an objective left clear by the advance of the Black Tide. The three Vindicators are the fire support component with only PotMS as I think even for 5 points XA is not worth taking in 6th.
The big Crusader squad gets the Reclusiarch, the five IG Infantry squads get blobbed together and joined by the Castellan.
Both the EC and Lord Comissar are technically "swing" ICs who can go in either squad with the Lord Commisar giving Stealth to the entire squad (6+ cover save in the open or +1 otherwise). The negative of putting the Lord Commissar in with the big Crusader squad is you then have to stay within 6" of the IG Blob to benefit from his Aura of Discipline (Stubborn 10). However, I would place the EC in the Crusader squad and Lord Commisar in the IG Blob.
The Castellan confers Ld9 across the board, provides ATSKNF, Fearless in CC and Abhor The Witch coverage (for most psychic attacks) to the Blob, he can also stand out front and take hits using LO, and if he goes down you fall back on the Stubborn of the Lord Commissar. The Priests provide rerolls in CC to the IG Blob and AT CC capability with S6+2D6 Armor Penetration as well as being AP2 weapons. The five IG Sgts provide sacrificial characters for challenges from CC monsters.
Brutality Manifest. No subtlety at all to this list. Both big squads form up and cross the field, shooting and killing everything in front of them. Don't worry about multicharging and losing your charge bonus, just charge everything, keeping the characters in the 2nd or 3rd rank (so as not to be forced to take CC wounds, but be close enough to swing). In NOVA terms, as long as one IG model of the Blob survives (including the Priests, but not the Lord Commissar), then it is worth 550 points for Table Quarters and similarly for the 305 of the big Crusader squad.
1x Castellan (SS/PW, Frags) [101]
1x EC-ATW [110]
1x Lord Commissar w/ Camo Cloak & PF (IG Ally HQ) [95]
1x Plt Cmd Squad (part of IG Ally Troop) [30]
5x Infantry Squads (rest of IG Ally Troop) [250]
5x Ministorum Priests w/ Eviscerators (free Ally HQ, attached to IG Infantry Squads) [300]
1x Crusader Squad (10/10, melta, BP/PF, rest BP/CCW, Frags) [305]
1x Las/Plas Crusader Squad (5/0, Lascannon, Plasmagun, 3xBolters) [101]
3x Vindicators (PotMS) [465]
1x Aegis w/ Quad Gun [100]
Total: [1994]
Give an IG squad a Flamer for the last few points or something. The Las/Plas mans the Aegis line for the only AA. The Plt Cmd squad can hold at the Aegis or run grab an objective left clear by the advance of the Black Tide. The three Vindicators are the fire support component with only PotMS as I think even for 5 points XA is not worth taking in 6th.
The big Crusader squad gets the Reclusiarch, the five IG Infantry squads get blobbed together and joined by the Castellan.
Both the EC and Lord Comissar are technically "swing" ICs who can go in either squad with the Lord Commisar giving Stealth to the entire squad (6+ cover save in the open or +1 otherwise). The negative of putting the Lord Commissar in with the big Crusader squad is you then have to stay within 6" of the IG Blob to benefit from his Aura of Discipline (Stubborn 10). However, I would place the EC in the Crusader squad and Lord Commisar in the IG Blob.
The Castellan confers Ld9 across the board, provides ATSKNF, Fearless in CC and Abhor The Witch coverage (for most psychic attacks) to the Blob, he can also stand out front and take hits using LO, and if he goes down you fall back on the Stubborn of the Lord Commissar. The Priests provide rerolls in CC to the IG Blob and AT CC capability with S6+2D6 Armor Penetration as well as being AP2 weapons. The five IG Sgts provide sacrificial characters for challenges from CC monsters.
Brutality Manifest. No subtlety at all to this list. Both big squads form up and cross the field, shooting and killing everything in front of them. Don't worry about multicharging and losing your charge bonus, just charge everything, keeping the characters in the 2nd or 3rd rank (so as not to be forced to take CC wounds, but be close enough to swing). In NOVA terms, as long as one IG model of the Blob survives (including the Priests, but not the Lord Commissar), then it is worth 550 points for Table Quarters and similarly for the 305 of the big Crusader squad.