This is going to be a quick and dirty because I was more interested in a "learning" game than a more serious one, so I didn't even bother with notes. Especially since January was my last game.
My list
THDC Terminators
Las/Plas Crusader
Stormtalon (AssCan/SWML)
Co Cmd (4xSniper)
2x Inf Platoons of 1xPlt Cmd (AC, 2xFlamer, Chimera), 2x Inf (AC, Flamer, Chimera), HWS (AC)
1x SWS (2xMelta, Flamer) attached to one platoon to ride in Vendetta
2x Ratling Squads (3x Snipers)
Vendetta w/ Heavy Bolters.
Armored Sentinel w/ Plasma Cannon (hey, I got the model with some other stuff and it covered that last 75 points...)
Opponent, Coteaz in TDA
6 GKT squads (everything combat squads, so maybe only 3x) with a bit of bling.
Vindicare Sniper
StormRaven (empty)
Normal setup (long side) & Emperor's Will. No night fighting, Warlord traits were never relevant.
My list
THDC Terminators
Las/Plas Crusader
Stormtalon (AssCan/SWML)
Co Cmd (4xSniper)
2x Inf Platoons of 1xPlt Cmd (AC, 2xFlamer, Chimera), 2x Inf (AC, Flamer, Chimera), HWS (AC)
1x SWS (2xMelta, Flamer) attached to one platoon to ride in Vendetta
2x Ratling Squads (3x Snipers)
Vendetta w/ Heavy Bolters.
Armored Sentinel w/ Plasma Cannon (hey, I got the model with some other stuff and it covered that last 75 points...)
Opponent, Coteaz in TDA
6 GKT squads (everything combat squads, so maybe only 3x) with a bit of bling.
Vindicare Sniper
StormRaven (empty)
Normal setup (long side) & Emperor's Will. No night fighting, Warlord traits were never relevant.
My opponent reserved three of his squads to Deep Strike in later as I have the first turn. He hides one squad of Terminators behind some ruins in one corner and then piles the other 2x 5 Term squads in a ruin with Coteaz & the Vindicare. We had several LOS blocking terrain pieces. My objective was in the opposite corner with one platoon & the Crusader squad covering it, the CO squad, THDC/EC squad followed by the Sentinel in the middle and the other platoon to the left, although I didn't use the last 18-24" to my left. Ratlings infiltrated into a ruin in the middle.
It all came down to my torrent vs his 2+ and in the end, it was a loss by First Blood for me.
First turn was I sat and plinked with my arseload of autocannons and Cyclones for a couple of Terminators dead, then my Ratlings fired. Each squad managed two Rending hits(!) that put down three Terminators in Coteaz's squad (leaving him with one meatshield) while the CO's squad (who couldn't see them) put out a Terminator in the other squad. In the return, the Ratlings were butchered, the Sentinel exploded and a couple of hull points on some Chimeras, while Coteaz swapped squads.
Turn two, I advance and it was a sight to behold for the next two turns. Massive amounts of firepower unleashed to nibble away at the Terminators and splattered the Vindicare. Both our reserve pools arrived on turn two, with my Vendetta stitching up a couple of Terminator squads before turboing off on turn 4, the Stormtalon shot up some Terminators then spent two turns sniffing the butt of his Stormraven (literally!) before putting it down (in empty ground). Two of his DS squads dropped on my right to take the objective and one on my left to screen his objective (right in the middle of the forming flyer circus) since it was down to Coteaz and two Terminators. Both HWS rout off the board.
Forgetting turns now, just the two main actions (left and right, attack his objective & defend my objective). On my right (in defense), he pops one Infantry Chimera (pinned) & then guns down the squad with incinerators, clipping one of my CO's snipers. I deploy two Chimeras against that squad and drop the other Inf squad and Plt squad out the rear to deal with the four Terms left on my objective after they munched my Las/Plas squad with ease. The Vendetta, having plinked at one of Coteaz's squads, killed a couple of Terms in the deployed squad on my right, now turned and rocketed to the defense of my objective, however...between the two moving AC, three flamers, two laspistols and six lasguns (failed orders) he managed to roll enough 1s to put paid to the Terms on my objective, so, the Vendetta moved off the field to come back on turn 5.
His second squad managed to smash my CO (right after they shot down Coteaz and his last meatshield) squad, turn and come at my deployed infantry , killing my Plt squad and all but my five regular Guardsmen with three Terms left...and then failed the charge because he caused enough casualties with his last incinerator to put my closest model in difficult terrain.
On the left, my THDC was down to the DC & EC, so what else did we do but Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds...oh wait, wrong vow...oops. Seriously, I'd killed three of the blocking (DS) Term squad with the concentrated firepower of the left platoon, the THDC and the last round of sniping from the CO, so I wanted to try to tie him up while I squeezed a Chimera or ttwo past to contest/take by fire his objective. In any event, the wimpyness of my Initiates was motivating for my Sword Brethren as they smashed the foul witch Terms into the dirt after an inconclusive round (yes, I was shocked). In the meantime, his last squad leader(?) sitting on his objective with a Psycannon has managed to wreck the two Chimeras and pin each squad (over two turns). My Stormtalon & last surviving Cyclone manage to kill his last two Terms running to support that objective. My first pinned Inf squad is moving forward and the second will be up on turn 6. The last Inf squad in its Chimera will be able to provide fire support on 6 and objective control/contesting on 7. The Vendetta comes shrieking back in and can drop the SWS on 6 onto the objective. Alas the game ends.
What it left? He has one Terminator holding his objective and three Terminators about to move up and assault the last five Guardsmen holding my objective. I have one Cyclone terminator, both my flyers, the SWS, one Plt squad, 2.5 Infantry squads, two Chimeras (one from each platoon). Typical Marine bloodbath.
Evaluation: I need another couple of runs. Parts of the list performed poorly, parts surprisingly well. I'm going to watch the HWS, at least in the AC version, they may be gone. Ratlings are due another and a threat. I've already got a few changes lined up (remember the Sentinel is a 75 point place holder) if my current guesses pan out. For the first time, the thought of an Aegis line...or even a Bastion have occurred to me as potential serious alternatives.
It all came down to my torrent vs his 2+ and in the end, it was a loss by First Blood for me.
First turn was I sat and plinked with my arseload of autocannons and Cyclones for a couple of Terminators dead, then my Ratlings fired. Each squad managed two Rending hits(!) that put down three Terminators in Coteaz's squad (leaving him with one meatshield) while the CO's squad (who couldn't see them) put out a Terminator in the other squad. In the return, the Ratlings were butchered, the Sentinel exploded and a couple of hull points on some Chimeras, while Coteaz swapped squads.
Turn two, I advance and it was a sight to behold for the next two turns. Massive amounts of firepower unleashed to nibble away at the Terminators and splattered the Vindicare. Both our reserve pools arrived on turn two, with my Vendetta stitching up a couple of Terminator squads before turboing off on turn 4, the Stormtalon shot up some Terminators then spent two turns sniffing the butt of his Stormraven (literally!) before putting it down (in empty ground). Two of his DS squads dropped on my right to take the objective and one on my left to screen his objective (right in the middle of the forming flyer circus) since it was down to Coteaz and two Terminators. Both HWS rout off the board.
Forgetting turns now, just the two main actions (left and right, attack his objective & defend my objective). On my right (in defense), he pops one Infantry Chimera (pinned) & then guns down the squad with incinerators, clipping one of my CO's snipers. I deploy two Chimeras against that squad and drop the other Inf squad and Plt squad out the rear to deal with the four Terms left on my objective after they munched my Las/Plas squad with ease. The Vendetta, having plinked at one of Coteaz's squads, killed a couple of Terms in the deployed squad on my right, now turned and rocketed to the defense of my objective, however...between the two moving AC, three flamers, two laspistols and six lasguns (failed orders) he managed to roll enough 1s to put paid to the Terms on my objective, so, the Vendetta moved off the field to come back on turn 5.
His second squad managed to smash my CO (right after they shot down Coteaz and his last meatshield) squad, turn and come at my deployed infantry , killing my Plt squad and all but my five regular Guardsmen with three Terms left...and then failed the charge because he caused enough casualties with his last incinerator to put my closest model in difficult terrain.
On the left, my THDC was down to the DC & EC, so what else did we do but Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds...oh wait, wrong vow...oops. Seriously, I'd killed three of the blocking (DS) Term squad with the concentrated firepower of the left platoon, the THDC and the last round of sniping from the CO, so I wanted to try to tie him up while I squeezed a Chimera or ttwo past to contest/take by fire his objective. In any event, the wimpyness of my Initiates was motivating for my Sword Brethren as they smashed the foul witch Terms into the dirt after an inconclusive round (yes, I was shocked). In the meantime, his last squad leader(?) sitting on his objective with a Psycannon has managed to wreck the two Chimeras and pin each squad (over two turns). My Stormtalon & last surviving Cyclone manage to kill his last two Terms running to support that objective. My first pinned Inf squad is moving forward and the second will be up on turn 6. The last Inf squad in its Chimera will be able to provide fire support on 6 and objective control/contesting on 7. The Vendetta comes shrieking back in and can drop the SWS on 6 onto the objective. Alas the game ends.
What it left? He has one Terminator holding his objective and three Terminators about to move up and assault the last five Guardsmen holding my objective. I have one Cyclone terminator, both my flyers, the SWS, one Plt squad, 2.5 Infantry squads, two Chimeras (one from each platoon). Typical Marine bloodbath.
Evaluation: I need another couple of runs. Parts of the list performed poorly, parts surprisingly well. I'm going to watch the HWS, at least in the AC version, they may be gone. Ratlings are due another and a threat. I've already got a few changes lined up (remember the Sentinel is a 75 point place holder) if my current guesses pan out. For the first time, the thought of an Aegis line...or even a Bastion have occurred to me as potential serious alternatives.