1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds 140
1 Assault Terminator (3xTLC, 2xTH/SS, Furious Charge) 215
2 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) 540
2 Crusader (9/6, Melta, BP/PF, BP/CCW, Frags) 488
2 Crusader (5/0, ML, Plasmagun, Bolter) 192
6 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) 420
Total 1995
1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds 140
1 Marshal Helbrecht, Furious Charge 178
1 SB Command Squad (9/5, 2xMelta, Narthecium, Furious Charge, Frags) 288
2 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) 540
1 Crusader (8/7, Melta, BP/PF, BP/CCW, Frags) 238
2 Crusader (5/0, ML, Plasmagun, Bolter) 192
6 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) 420
Total 1996
The second one is more for fun and needs some more tuning, but it would run the same as the first one. In each case, the several Terminator squads would set up out front with maximum spread between models to provide a front line. The two large assault squads form up and follow them in, gaining a 4+ cover save vs. any incoming fire while depending on the durability of the Terminators to provide cover for them for the first turn or two as they close to contact. The THDC squads try as usual to pop any heavier armor while the three LS Typhoon squadrons work around the flanks picking off lighter armor and punishing infantry. The THDC squads will attempt to break off before AACNMTO kicks in to maintain fire on any targets while the Assault Terminators go for the charge, although I'd prefer them in the counter charge mode while the two assault squads pour around and through them to attack whatever targets are necessary.
If I'm looking at Fearless units, especially tough ones, the assault squads go after squishy targets and I'll have Terminator squads attempt to tag both the squishy target and a tough Fearless one to exploit the common interpretation of the No Retreat rules. Nothing like watching the secondary Fearless targets having to deal with Terminators and limited to causing five casualties while my regular troops reap mass casualties that turn into mass armor saves for units the assault squads would struggle against.