I realized that I haven't played my 1850 point list for over six months and I know I've learned a few things since then, so I thought I might as well take a look at it and tweak a few things so I can get a few practice games in. Especially not in my usual laid back "learning mode" manner.
This is the current list
1850 points:
1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140]
1 Venerable Dreadnought (TLLC/HF/DCCW, XA, Tank Hunter, Pod-SB) [200]
2 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) [540]
3 Crusader (5/0, Melta, Pod-SB) [360]
2 Crusader (5/1, Melta, Pod-SB) [260]
5 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [350]
1xTH TL-Lascannon, 4xTH Cyclone, 5x Typhoon, 5x Heavy Bolter
NOTE: In general, the last (or one of the last) Crusader squad is armed with BP/CCW and goes with the EC. The rest have Bolters.
Comparing it to my 2k list, I have just as many Crusader squads, but culled 65 points in PF & Neophytes, plus one LS-Typhoon and turned my Assault Terminators into a Ven Dread in a Pod. Heh, what is actually funny is I built this up from the bottom when I was building it. This list works fairly well for me and is the only configuration that I've found a Dreadnought more than a one turn wonder and usually I drop his Pod empty. It actually has one more long range AT shot than my 2k list, although it gives up some of the CC threat. The main thing bothering me is I don't have a few PF sprinkled about and even though they are useful, they are also usually not that important, but when you need one, you need it really, really,reallybad.
Looking at this, I don't really need five Crusader squads. I like using the one troop per 500 points rule and then adding one so I definitely have a spare suicide melta unit. However, I'm fairly sure I can get away with only four Crusader squads. So, if I cash one of the cheap ones in, I have an extra 120 points, which I can use to buy back 1xLS-Typhoon and then add in some combination of PF & Neophytes in the remaining squads. Say two PF and five Neophytes. (Well, I could go with three Neophytes and pop a DML on the Dreadnought's Drop Pod for fun).
1850 points:
1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140]
1 Venerable Dreadnought (TLLC/HF/DCCW, XA, Tank Hunter, Pod-SB) [200]
2 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) [540]
2 Crusader (5/1, Melta, Pod-SB) [260]
1 Crusader (5/1, Melta, PF, Pod-SB) [145]
1 Crusader (5/2, Melta, PF, Pod-SB) [155]
6 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [420]
1xTH TL-Lascannon, 4xTH Cyclone, 6x Typhoon, 6x Heavy Bolter
That looks a bit better to me. Little bit more dakka and some of the ablative hits I've found useful in games, plus a couple of Power Fists, just in case. Although that is a lot of Neophytes and so let me look at actually scaling back from a 2k list.
1850 points:
1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140]
1 Assault Terminator (3xTLC, 2xTH/SS, Furious Charge) [215]
2 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) [540]
1 Crusader (5/0, Melta, Pod-SB) [120]
2 Crusader (5/0, Melta, PF, Pod-SB) [270]
1 Crusader (5/1, Melta, PF, Pod-SB) [145]
6 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [420]
4xTH Cyclone, 6x Typhoon, 6x Heavy Bolter
Okay, just pulled one Crusader squad and pared down three Neophytes out of the others to maintain the CC threat of the Assault Terminators.
Comparing the two new versions, one has that extra bit of dakka with the Dreadnought as the designated tarpit unit and ablative hits in the Crusader squads. The other maintains that deadly (and much more durable) CC threat unit that are Black Templar Assault Terminators. I'm leaning both ways on this right now because I've had success both ways. The biggest reason I can think to lean towards the Dreadnought list is because that effective S10 Lascannon vs AV. in high mobility lists can be real useful. OTOH, with the A. Terms, I don't care about heavy CC lists, because even when they go down, that squad guts whatever hits them.
The Dreadnought list is a bit more "reliable" vs high mobility lists and ranged damage output, but can suck wind against dedicated CC lists. The A. Term list is about as "reliable", but introduces the random factor of whether or not the A. Terms can get stuck in. Of course, when they do get stuck in, stuff gets smashed.
Any thoughts?