Found my camera, so here are the actual state of the minis I played with.
The Overview
The Headless Speeders and Dreadnoughts close up. I have to redo a few magnets on the Speeders and I'm not happy with the detail on the DN I did detail, the other DN is just primed.
The Neophytes, Blue squad (PF), Red squad(PF) and Green/Gold squad. It was going to be Gold, but I was reliably informed by my 6 year old that the "green guys" were cool and I needed some guys with green. Also, my stand in EC.
Other than detailing and fixing those silly Speeder magnets, I'm pretty much done. It does feel better now that I've put them on the table and noticed that I've already outclassed much of the competition in the paint department...
I can get you close ups, but they were simple. Take real stiff card stock, trace a pattern for the base, uprights and door bottom (which was a pain). For each pod, cut from posterboard, 3x bases (needed for the right height), 5x uprights and 5x bottom doors. The vertical side of the bottom doors need a bit of trimming at 30-45 degrees to make them fit in between the uprights. Hot glue them together, making sure all the excess falls inside.
I also cut a pattern for the top doors, but they will need to be precision cut to fit in and look mostly right. Also, the top view is a bit "off" since I don't have anything up top to align the uprights.
I'll try to get you some pictures up of them plus my Rhino body vehicles. They are functional dimensionally and recognizable.
I'm also going to try to get my last battle report up, which you might find amusing since it was built strictly to take advantage of the models on hand and built.
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