The following is from Marshal Laeroth and is his version of the "Defensive Drop Pod" list.
HQ: 2x Castellan w/ Power Weapon and Combi-Melta; 3 Command Squad Initiates w/ 2 Meltaguns & 1 Bolter; 1 Apothecary w/ Bolter and Narthecium; 1 Command Squad Sergeant w/ Bolter. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [480]
1x Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, Frag Grenades, and the Vow: "Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds." [140]
Elites: 3x Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, and Extra Armor. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [450]
Troops: 6x Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 4 Bolters & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [720]
Fast Attack: 3x Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [210]
Total Points: [2000]
1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140]
1 Assault Terminator (3xTLC, 2xTH/SS, Furious Charge) [215]
2 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) [540]
1 Crusader (5/0, Melta, Pod-SB) [120]
1 Crusader (5/1, Melta, Pod-SB) [130]
3 Crusader (5/1, Melta, PF, Pod-SB) [435]
6 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [420]
I'm exploiting the FAQ to pile in some concentrated long range firepower. The primary use for the Assault Terminator are threat. The list only provides 17 KP for an opponent, but does lose a bit the flexibility of the DDP list by dropping the number of units actually available to deep strike, even if I reserve the entire list (14 vs. 11). For other comparisons, Marshal Laeroth's NOVA Gunline was 17 KP as well as his currently proposed 2012 BT NOVA list, while his 2012 DE NOVA list has a whopping 23 KP. Pretty much, it reins in the kill point problem of the DDP and brings it down to the size of a generic mech/hybrid list's kill point total. Which I can live with because despite all the hoopla about "open top", Drop Pods remain a lot harder to kill than Rhinos.
It also avoids something that may be part of my local meta, the butchering of the Dreadnoughts which happens as all of the enemy's AT firepower engages them with glee. I'm sorry, 150 points for what (for me at least) turns out to be land -> shoot something -> die, just isn't worth it. OTOH, I can start out with my big punch on the table and use the drop pod squads to claim objectives, block and suicide melta.
The second factor after kill points was running into a Dark Eldar player early on and while there were other flaws in my initial game, the one that stuck out was that I was looking at an entire army that had moved flat out so had a 4+ save vs anything I threw at it. Half of my firepower was simply gone. Now I was less adverse to starting with my Terminators and LS-Typhoons on the board because even if they pull the flat out thing, I'm still restricting them to only part of the board.
What I'm worried about most right now is learning to play my army better. At this point, I don't think it matters much to me one way or the other how the terrain has been placed. I've won and lost games on open middle boards and close terrain boards and which I prefer depends on my opponent's list. I'm losing game to n00b errors, but fortunately I don't tend to be repeating them, at least not overtly. I still catch myself wanting to throw one more shot at X when I've already stunned it this turn, just to "try and finish it off". That ends up being a shot I waste usually. Usually, but not always, which is why I'm still working on that one. The last three games I played were objectives and even though by KP/VP (and even table quarters) standards I lost pretty badly, in the end, I was holding more uncontested objectives than my opponent.
A huge observation I've noticed over the last few months since I last played a 'Nid player where I first noticed it clearly. The key to my list in objective games is forcing my opponent to commit to something, even if it is his own battle plan and then disrupt it by making him counter march. As soon as I can get the enemy's strike elements moving the wrong way for even one turn, I can block, stifle, entrap, tarpit and ambush him until time runs out.