Just putting the thought down, but given the silliness of not being able to take the EC as a Warlord and not being able to use the Allied detachment CO as the Warlord put another thought in my head. Why not take IG as primary and Black Templar as secondary? Of course, the first thing that pops up is that I end up taking an extra BT HQ anyway (EC is free slot) to open up the Terminator Command Squad. OTOH, it seems to avoid the problems I've been having with transportation. The concept is to use the combination of IG HW Squads, Typhoon Speeders and a pair of THDC Terminator squads to open and escort the way for IG Troops in Chimeras to score objectives. Given the new Squadron and Cover rules, having one, two or three Speeders isn't real important now, whereas in 5th a pair of Speeders was critical for maintaining full fire and cover in the most efficient manner.
Edited for addition to list.
Edited for addition to list.
1x Emperor's Champion – Abhor The Witch [110]
1x Reclusiarch (Crozius, Rosarius, BP, Frag) Tank Hunter [100]
1x Terminator Cmd (2xCML/SB/PF, SB/PF, SS/PW), Tank Hunter [237]
1x Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 3xSB/PF) Tank Hunter [265]
1x Crusader (5/0, LasCannon, Plasmagun, 3xBolters) [101]
3x Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [210]
1x Vindicator (XA/PotMS) [160]
1x Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad Cannon [100]
1x IG BN Command Squad [50]
1x IG Platoon (Cmd Squad, 2xInfantry Squads) mounted in Chimeras [130]
1x Veteran Squad mounted in Chimera [70]
4x Chimeras w/ Multi-lasers, Heavy Bolters [220]
3x Heavy Weapon Squads w/ Mortars [180]
Total: [1933]
Still have 237 points to spend, which possibly turn into a LRC (lose a HWS or Chimera), add "fun" units (Marbo is pricy, but he looks like he could be fairly nasty in a rear area drop), put in a suicide melta drop squad (or go with two Crusaders as suicide melta in pods) and lots of other things.
EDIT: Added a PotMS Vindicator to the list, more firepower is more fun. Drops the points left to 67, which is where I want to leave them for now pending further changes. Unless I get something else to mess this up, I'm looking at locking this list in for NOVA because I have a bit of model building and a lot of painting to do. If something else blows up on this...Then I'm probably going to go with my Necrons, I only have to build the Night Scythes with them, although they have a lot more painting to do. Silver lining there, Necrons as the last 5th/written for 6th codex have a window of opportunity here. As we can see from the FAQ fiascoes (no it wasn't just BT), GW is going to continue to blunder badly on updating and as soon as new codices start cranking out, Necrons will face the same slow decline back into obscurity. After all, simply look at Necron elites, nice units, but why waste money on them? The sad part, simply giving the Flayed Ones rending would have made one viable elite choice. What kills me is the Necrons have all these ways to mess with Reserves, including coming in on the opponent's player turn...to do what exactly? Sit there as a target? <throws hands up and walks away muttering>
What I'm mainly having to hunt for is a coherent and flexible tactical plan for my list. The Deep Strike list had that and if it hadn't been for the "upgrading" of our Drop Pod Assault rules (while ignoring balancing the rest of the codex) I would have been running a version of it. Unfortunately for Laeroth's DDP list, the new/old rule of requiring you to have units on the table or be considered wiped killed that one. However, given the wording ("fractions rounded up"), I don't see any way to salvage the DS list, especially with the forced requirement of buying another HQ (yet another example of GW ignoring codex balance).
Minor rant: WTF? How did GW manage to write what ended up a fairly nicely balanced FAQ, even if it did limit our choices, and manage to botch this so badly? Is there any continuity over there or is it all just ad hoc expediency? Hmmm, come to think of it,, Black Library writers must have little to no trouble describing the Imperial government because it seems to be the way GW works...
Anyway, in my search for a valid list, the Dark Side continues to call, even though I had already put those toys away to play my Templars. Why? Because I already have a valid, coherent and flexible tactical plan for this list and being a late 5th Codex designed with 6th in mind, changing editions doesn't hurt my Necron list at all. In fact, I actually gained more options for it and in some ways it is even more deadly than before. Its biggest weakness was objectives since my transport was limited and somewhat fragile, but I still used the trick I learned playing my Deep Strike Templar list...Kill Them All. If you have no scoring units left, then I only need one to win. Now, putting in a pair of Night Scythes is trivial (I already have the troops to use for it) and if I want to give up the Scarabs and some of my "spare" Crypteks, I can actually field three Night Scythes. Necrons were going to get their chance back in January, but Cub Scouts intervened (your son only has his first Pinewood Derby once) and Black Templars were slated for NOVA 2012 even before the Newcrons came out.
Yes, I'm still flip-flopping, because that one rule change on Drop Pods (see rant above) is going to cost me about $100-200US one way or the other. Well, unless I do a double LRC,+ Vindicator type list. Or my infamous Helbrecht/Grimaldus/EC triple LRC list. If I felt like pulling a Stelek and bring a substandard list to NOVA.
1x Reclusiarch (Crozius, Rosarius, BP, Frag) Tank Hunter [100]
1x Terminator Cmd (2xCML/SB/PF, SB/PF, SS/PW), Tank Hunter [237]
1x Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 3xSB/PF) Tank Hunter [265]
1x Crusader (5/0, LasCannon, Plasmagun, 3xBolters) [101]
3x Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [210]
1x Vindicator (XA/PotMS) [160]
1x Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad Cannon [100]
1x IG BN Command Squad [50]
1x IG Platoon (Cmd Squad, 2xInfantry Squads) mounted in Chimeras [130]
1x Veteran Squad mounted in Chimera [70]
4x Chimeras w/ Multi-lasers, Heavy Bolters [220]
3x Heavy Weapon Squads w/ Mortars [180]
Total: [1933]
Still have 237 points to spend, which possibly turn into a LRC (lose a HWS or Chimera), add "fun" units (Marbo is pricy, but he looks like he could be fairly nasty in a rear area drop), put in a suicide melta drop squad (or go with two Crusaders as suicide melta in pods) and lots of other things.
EDIT: Added a PotMS Vindicator to the list, more firepower is more fun. Drops the points left to 67, which is where I want to leave them for now pending further changes. Unless I get something else to mess this up, I'm looking at locking this list in for NOVA because I have a bit of model building and a lot of painting to do. If something else blows up on this...Then I'm probably going to go with my Necrons, I only have to build the Night Scythes with them, although they have a lot more painting to do. Silver lining there, Necrons as the last 5th/written for 6th codex have a window of opportunity here. As we can see from the FAQ fiascoes (no it wasn't just BT), GW is going to continue to blunder badly on updating and as soon as new codices start cranking out, Necrons will face the same slow decline back into obscurity. After all, simply look at Necron elites, nice units, but why waste money on them? The sad part, simply giving the Flayed Ones rending would have made one viable elite choice. What kills me is the Necrons have all these ways to mess with Reserves, including coming in on the opponent's player turn...to do what exactly? Sit there as a target? <throws hands up and walks away muttering>
What I'm mainly having to hunt for is a coherent and flexible tactical plan for my list. The Deep Strike list had that and if it hadn't been for the "upgrading" of our Drop Pod Assault rules (while ignoring balancing the rest of the codex) I would have been running a version of it. Unfortunately for Laeroth's DDP list, the new/old rule of requiring you to have units on the table or be considered wiped killed that one. However, given the wording ("fractions rounded up"), I don't see any way to salvage the DS list, especially with the forced requirement of buying another HQ (yet another example of GW ignoring codex balance).
Minor rant: WTF? How did GW manage to write what ended up a fairly nicely balanced FAQ, even if it did limit our choices, and manage to botch this so badly? Is there any continuity over there or is it all just ad hoc expediency? Hmmm, come to think of it,, Black Library writers must have little to no trouble describing the Imperial government because it seems to be the way GW works...
Anyway, in my search for a valid list, the Dark Side continues to call, even though I had already put those toys away to play my Templars. Why? Because I already have a valid, coherent and flexible tactical plan for this list and being a late 5th Codex designed with 6th in mind, changing editions doesn't hurt my Necron list at all. In fact, I actually gained more options for it and in some ways it is even more deadly than before. Its biggest weakness was objectives since my transport was limited and somewhat fragile, but I still used the trick I learned playing my Deep Strike Templar list...Kill Them All. If you have no scoring units left, then I only need one to win. Now, putting in a pair of Night Scythes is trivial (I already have the troops to use for it) and if I want to give up the Scarabs and some of my "spare" Crypteks, I can actually field three Night Scythes. Necrons were going to get their chance back in January, but Cub Scouts intervened (your son only has his first Pinewood Derby once) and Black Templars were slated for NOVA 2012 even before the Newcrons came out.
Yes, I'm still flip-flopping, because that one rule change on Drop Pods (see rant above) is going to cost me about $100-200US one way or the other. Well, unless I do a double LRC,+ Vindicator type list. Or my infamous Helbrecht/Grimaldus/EC triple LRC list. If I felt like pulling a Stelek and bring a substandard list to NOVA.