Well, I'm working off the uploaded scan pages off the internet, but I thought I might have a few comments on this. Initial impressions, not too bad, could use a few tweaks IMO, but the results depend on two things:
1) Release of plastic SoB kits predicted by all the early rumor sources that successfully predicted both the timing of this release and the fact that it was turning into a WD codex upgrade. All the naysayers to this I've traced to one specific source who came in late.
2) The actual armory and points costs for units & their upgrades coming in the next issue.
Anyway, deferring the issue of plastics, armory items and point costs we won't see for a while...
1) Release of plastic SoB kits predicted by all the early rumor sources that successfully predicted both the timing of this release and the fact that it was turning into a WD codex upgrade. All the naysayers to this I've traced to one specific source who came in late.
2) The actual armory and points costs for units & their upgrades coming in the next issue.
Anyway, deferring the issue of plastics, armory items and point costs we won't see for a while...

Faith Points: d6 per turn for an entire army doesn't cut it at higher point levels. At 2k I run around 12 Faith Points on my lists which turns into about 22 points with Martyrdom. In a five turn game, average rolls give 17.5 points, so it is a losing situation. Faith management is one thing, but there needs to be some additional mechanic to increase the Faith Points available as the army gets larger. Of course, now that I don't get my armor-save-equals-invulnerable-save Act, maybe I won't need so many Faith Points. :(
Acts of Faith: Could use some tweaking, I'd at least give all Celestians, not just the Celestian Superior, the +1 effect, which closes the gap on the Sororitas Command squad. That might be covered in the unit description next month where one of the Celestians is "officially" the Superior. Otherwise, it isn't 5+ for Acts of Faith, it is 4+. Even if you kill the Sister Superior the first shot, it will stay 4+ since the unit has taken a casualty. With both a casualty and a Superior, it becomes 3+, then add in an IC and you get 2+ on the Acts of Faith. This would be great the old way with a pool of Acts to pull from as the situation required, but now with use-it-or-lose-it plus each squad being a one trick pony, you cannot drop several acts on the critical unit to make it hit faster and survive the return better. Instead, you just kinda have to spend them around as you get a chance. You can get around some of this by having an IC join a squad for both the extra +1 to activate and to double up your Acts. Amusingly enough, IMO it is semi-worthless on the most obvious combo, the Canoness with her Sororitas Command Squad.
Shield of Faith: I'll have to see it in action, it looks a bit on the weak side, but everyone gets it now, including our vehicles. The vehicles is the only reason I give this some hope since even with a Tank Hunter TLLC vs AV11, we go from ~25% to not get penetrated to ~38%. Not much, but useful. I'm not sure about the issue with psychic powers, but the biggest downside of this comes when you remember there is so much cover on 40k boards.
Canoness: Well, the entire S3/T3 is covered in abundance and I've mentioned it before I think, but I guess the "power armor lite" that none-SM get doesn't help out their strength and such no matter what the fluff says. It depends on the prices of her gear, the AoF is nifty at +1I and Preferred Enemy. She is one of the few that didn't get the Initiative reduction.
Sororitas Command Squad: This one is technically the "oopsie" in the AoF game since there is no official "Superior" in the mix to give them +1 to the AoF roll. Speaking of AoF, I'd swap theirs with the Retributors. It would make a whole lot more sense unless this squad can be kitted out cheaply with lots of heavy weapons.
Ecclesiarchy Priests: The Confessor looks like a HQ IC while the Preachers look like something to be an upgrade character in the squads. Will have to wait and see, but the usual chaplain bit about rerolling hits on the charge would help out the Sisters a lot. Hopefully the eviscerator option is cheap as that would cover several issues in the list.
Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclaves: These look like fun, especially if they are mix 'n' match in one squad. This would be a truly brutal countercharge unit if you could balance it out. Prone to being shot to pieces in the open, but what unit isn't?
Sisters Repentia: Well, they got a little slower in movement, but they will get their last swing off. Unfortunately they lost what I really thought was a nicely defining touch, the last true Righteous Zeal rule where if you cause them casualties, they are charging at you and if they touch your base, they count as charging in your assault phase. No, it isn't overpowered since it can be exploited. Fearless stinks, Stubborn would have been much better, but then Stubborn is much better 99% of the time anyway. I actually feel their AoF should be an innate ability anyway and a "Holy Rage" Fleet be their AoF.
Penitent Engines: Seriously nasty as usual, even if fragile. However, notice that little Shield of Faith that does add a bit of survivability to them. Again, a bit slower than before in movement, IMO, these babies should have been given Fleet also. If they are cheap enough, they could be a lot of fun because they will absolutely shred vehicles and troops. OTOH, the infamous I3 crops up.
Battle Sisters: Straightforward, cute AoF. Unfortunately it does nothing for the flamer troops. Hopefully cheap specialty ammo will be available. Cheap Sarissa's would be nice (although I'd have made them automatic on all Sister bolters).
Celestian Squads: Extra attack, nifty. +1S and Fearless, well, I'd have gone with either straight Furious Charge or Stubborn instead of Fearless. They ate the initiative nerf, which means that unless you include your Canoness with them and she makes her AoF roll, some of the girls will get no attacks.
Dominion Squads: Straightforward, cute AoF. I have no issues with this squad right now. Whether they can push the Seraphim out of a FA slot we will see, but the potential is there now.
Seraphim Squads: Look okay, although the Iniiative nerf down to I3 hurts them badly now that they have to use the standard Hit 'n' Run rules. AoF is decent, but these girls have been nerfed considerably. Maybe the points will reflect that. The only fuzzy bit is the "Seraphim Pistols" rule. Only sense I can make of it is that after they shoot both their pistols, they cannot toss a grenade in assault, which really doesn't make a lot of sense.
Retributor Squads: Now, if these girls had been given Relentless + Move Through Cover as an AoF, they might have been the absolute shizzle. As it is, unless they are really, really, really cheap or Exorcists can now be bought in squadrons, they will probably be left out again.
Exorcists: Looks the same, gets a 6++ save. Hopefully they changed the Exorcist missile to 2d3 attacks to make it so much less random. Well, they could have done the same thing with Faith Points, but decided on "simplicity" instead of consistency.
Rhinos: Whee, it is a Rhino with a 6++ save. It still stinks. Seriously, the Chimera would be a lot better and more reasonable vehicle for Sororitas, but there you are.
Immolators: Well, here we are waiting to see if the army with the original angels get to keep their fast Razorback double flamer or if we just become a Codex Razorback with different weapon options while the pansy vampire mutants get to keep their new status as the winged ones with fast vehicles.
The named characters are cute, but especially for them, points cost and gear choices get to be critical. Celestine with her T3 is way too prone to instakilling for a character that is otherwise designed to be a MC killer.