Rumor this, rumor that, there have been so many rumors around and around that between people claiming to have a "mainline" into GW being cagey, to people who can fake GW well enough to make things up, it is all contradictory. Rumors of making vehicles weaker, rumors of making vehicles tougher, rumors about new movement rules, shooting rules and assault rules. With all that, I'll make a prediction you can take to the bank...
GW is totally ignoring the 8000lb gorilla in the room. After all, this isn't a mere "rules update" or "adjustment", this is supposed to be a whole new edition! If serious changes need to be made, now is the time to make them!
GW is totally ignoring the 8000lb gorilla in the room. After all, this isn't a mere "rules update" or "adjustment", this is supposed to be a whole new edition! If serious changes need to be made, now is the time to make them!
So, what is this oversized simian that is being missed? Too easy, the way stats work. GW has gotten stuck into the rut of human normal =3, superhuman normal =4 and building around the "holy" threesome of SM (S4/T4), Human (S3/T4) and Ork (S3/T4) without regard for anything except how "elegant" that relationship is. So, we have humans with S3/T3 and we have genetic transhumans designed by arguably the greatest human being to ever exist in the 40k universe at S4/T4. In fact, the modifications are directly responsible for the +1 bonus. Oh, they also get powered armor, which, given the issues with the stats, is nothing more than a better armor save. In fact, the great power armor is worth nothing except for the +1 AS! No increased mobility (although fluff indicates it), no bonus to strength (although fluff indicates it), no extra ability at all (although fluff indicates it).
"Oh, but it must stay balanced and the 3 vs 4 with a d6 is well done." Not really, it is a fairly simple layout and could be done with any other die after adjusting. There are lots of good reasons for giving some more flex to the stat system, but GW would have to do a recalculation of the odds for conversion into a d"X" system which would allow for wider stat margins. That part would be easy, but the hard part would be rebalancing the weapon prices and stats. An easier way in many cases that would leave the dice alone would be to give Marines another effect for their genetics; either some version of FNP (say 5+) or an extra wound. It really would be fairly cheap to add (+3-5 points per model). It would also make Battle Sisters something more than IG vets in power armor with bolters.
"Oh, but it must stay balanced and the 3 vs 4 with a d6 is well done." Not really, it is a fairly simple layout and could be done with any other die after adjusting. There are lots of good reasons for giving some more flex to the stat system, but GW would have to do a recalculation of the odds for conversion into a d"X" system which would allow for wider stat margins. That part would be easy, but the hard part would be rebalancing the weapon prices and stats. An easier way in many cases that would leave the dice alone would be to give Marines another effect for their genetics; either some version of FNP (say 5+) or an extra wound. It really would be fairly cheap to add (+3-5 points per model). It would also make Battle Sisters something more than IG vets in power armor with bolters.