- Okay guys, we have a 12-24" close ranged firepower army that is reasonably tough. Cool. But could someone please tell me why Heavy and Regular Destroyers have different ranges? I know they recycled the Gauss Cannon in other spots in the codex, but how about a special rule to keep the one unit with a solid 36" range.
- Ditto for the sniper rifles, 36" should be a minimum.
- Why do Praetorians only have A1?
- I2 across the board? Higher ranks, better bodies and technology. Just like Power Armor, it is nice and fluffy but doesn't give jack on the tabletop. Scarabs I3 maybe. Wraiths definitely I3, maybe I4. Immortals, maybe I3. Lychguard & Praetorians, definitely I3, maybe I4, but if forced to choose, I'd say Lych 3 and Prae 4. Lords & Crypteks, definitely I3, maybe I4 (more so for Lords). Various Overlords, definitely I4.
- Flayed Ones might could use a higher initiative, but I actually like them at I2, but where is their horrible terror effect? Make a Ld check or strike at I1 for any opponents would be about right. Or -1Ld and force Fearless units to take morale checks.
Tesla with BS4 works out to: Two chances to miss, Three chances to hit and One chance to Tesla for three hits. Heh, mathematically a Tesla weapon never misses. I will be ignoring funky effects like the biggest Tesla weapon's ability to hit everything withing 6" and the fancy staff of Imotekh..