Anyway, I talked to the owner and I'll know more later. Pretty much, drop DZC for the near term since I'd have to buy lots of units for multiple factions, several of which I'm not even interested in. Dust Tactics, maybe, but since the owner would want to promote an event a bit, we would be running into the expected Robotech RPG Tactics release and the owner is most definitely going to pick up a lot of Robotech stuff...I think like me, plenty of people would buy it for the models. Soooo....we'll see.
Anyway, I'm having fun putting together my DZC PHR starter set and playing around with the modelling some. I've been patching up some of my DT models that had taken some damage and trying to source some tools to fix the bad pose on some of the models. Finally, just going through the boxes I set aside as half full on my iniial sort and condensing it down. Otherwis, nothing else new.