So, what to do? The NOVA terrain metagame is producing a lot of interesting thoughts, but one I had, along with Marshal Laeroth after he had to play in it, was "darn, this would be great for a Black Templar drop list".
My original post was meant to be a one off with some musing about a possible change to my list. It is a bit of an expensive change in some ways, but if there is a solid weakness in my list, it is the limited number of "shots" available over 24", although the fact that each "shot" has the potential to hit like a ton of bricks helps compensate for that weakness. Marshal Laeroth has managed to put up a couple of posts that managed to draw some commentary and bring on some more thought. Amusingly enough, he had a "dead" post that also did its bit.
So, what to do? The NOVA terrain metagame is producing a lot of interesting thoughts, but one I had, along with Marshal Laeroth after he had to play in it, was "darn, this would be great for a Black Templar drop list".
In terms of the new NOVA terrain meta....
The following is from Marshal Laeroth and is his version of the "Defensive Drop Pod" list. HQ: 2x Castellan w/ Power Weapon and Combi-Melta; 3 Command Squad Initiates w/ 2 Meltaguns & 1 Bolter; 1 Apothecary w/ Bolter and Narthecium; 1 Command Squad Sergeant w/ Bolter. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [480] 1x Emperor's Champion w/ Black Sword, Bolt Pistol, Armor of Faith, Frag Grenades, and the Vow: "Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds." [140] Elites: 3x Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, and Extra Armor. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [450] Troops: 6x Crusader Squad: 5 Initiates w/ 4 Bolters & 1 Meltagun. Mounted in a Drop Pod. [720] Fast Attack: 3x Land Speeder Squadron: 1 Land Speeder w/ Heavy Bolter and Typhoon Missile Launchers. [210] Total Points: [2000] Dust Tactics is a Weird War 2 game from Fantasy Flight Games. Fairly basic outline if you are familiar with Nazi conspiracy theories. While a U-boat is messing around Antarctica, the Nazis discover an alien ship with alien aboard. From the alien, the Germans (with strong connections to the mystic side) figure out how to build new high tech gear with new power sources and use it to deploy walker tanks, advanced infantry gear and "heroes" (think original Captain America type without the costume, tough with a bit better combat capability and some special ability). Of course, add in the gorilla warrior experiments and zombies (trying to research how to apply alien longevity treatments to humans). Of course, wanting to sell the game in Europe, fluff provides for the elimination of Hitler and liquidation of the Nazi party so it becomes Axis vs Western Allies, vs Sino-Soviet Union. The aliens (Vrill) will be added later as they want to reclaim their power resource reserve planet. Unfortunately, FFG hasn't decided to start releasing SSU units yet, so all we have are Axis vs. Allies.
Having just ordered my monthly budget of stuff for Dust Tactics, I thought I might give a few thoughts on list building for the game. Oh, entry cost is much cheaper than for 40k. Well, I was reading a post over at Nike's Bringer of Victory blog and that plus the commentary got me thinking about a little change up in my usual 2k list. Pretty much pull the Assault Terminators, drop half the LS-Typhoons, fiddle with the Crusader squads some and plug back in a Castellan, Term Command Squad and cheap Dreadnought (okay, 120 may not be cheap, but it beats the 170 I'm used to...).
Working on my list for 'Ard Boyz, I decided to apply Nike's metrics system from Bringer of Victory. I got some interesting results.
I've been working on my various lists that I have built for 'Ard Boyz and have narrowed it down to two, although the idea of tacking 3x PotMS Vindicators with XA does have some appeal also for one reason. I've noticed that the time limit for each round is given as 2.5 hours, which as I found out can be a bit tight for time, especially if I'm having to throw a lot of templates and/or I run into a list I'd prefer to deep strike my entire force against.
Foot troops get shafted in 5th Edition by being way too easy to massacre. 'Nids and Orks can get away with it, so what I'm thinking about doing is modifying my Deep Strike list and taking a page out of the Ork book to try something. I've seen Ork Horde lists that combine some AT, some CC and Walker squadrons to provide the cover for the boys to get into place. Mobility comes from a unit of Storm Boyz.
Not planning on playing this one, but I was fiddling around and came up with this and am fishing for comments. Note that the HQ slot is empty, I'm planning for a WG Battle Commander, but haven't thought about how to equip him.
The problem with both of these lists is that they take advantage of the "lead squad" vs. "attached to squad" trick.
1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140] 1 Assault Terminator (3xTLC, 2xTH/SS, Furious Charge) [215] 1 Venerable Dreadnought (TLLC/HF/DCCW, EA, Tank Hunter) [170] 1 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 3xSB/PF, Tank Hunter) [265] 5 Crusader (5/0, Melta, Pod-SB) [600] 2 Castellan, SS/LC, Tank Hunter [216] 2 Terminator Cmd (2xCML/SB/PF, 1xSB/PF, 1xSS/PW), Tank Hunter [474] 6 Land Speeder Typhoon (HB/Typhoon ML) [420] Total 4xTH-CML, 2xCML, 1xTH-TLLC, 6xTML, 6xHB [2500] In both cases these lists trade out one of the Elite Terminator squads to help finance a pair of HQ Terminator squads, it gives more LR dakka plus more resilient assault power since the HQ Terms are both built with a pair of Storm Shields. This one is more slightly more shooty since it has the TH-TLLC Venerable Dreadnought which gives it seven (7) discrete 48" shooting units. The major complaint I might see is the lack of fast Multimelta firepower. Also, if I have to end up buying Terminator armor for the Castellans, then it is going to hurt by reducing the Castellans down to SS/PW and lose the SS from the Sgt, but he gets his storm bolter back. For the other variation of the list: 1 Emperor's Champion – Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140] 1 Assault Terminator (3xTLC, 2xTH/SS, Furious Charge) [215] 1 Terminator (2xCyclone ML/SB/PF, 2xSB/PF, 1xSB/CF, Tank Hunter) [270] 5 Crusader (5/0, Melta, Pod-SB) [600] 1 Crusader (5/0, Melta, BP/PF, Pod-SB) [135] 2 Castellan, SS/LC, Tank Hunter [216] 2 Terminator Cmd (2xCML/SB/PF, 1xSB/PF, 1xSS/PW), Tank Hunter [474] 6 Land Speeder Typhoon (4xHB/Typhoon ML, 2xMM/Typhoon ML) [450] Total 4xTH-CML, 2xCML, 6xTML, 2xMM, 4xHB [2500] This one loses a shooter, but gains fast MM on the Typhoons and a PF Crusader squad. It also would be easier to salvage 50 points for Terminator armor by canning the PF, MM and CF on the Elite Terminator squad. Another variation to the second list would be to replace the Assault Terminators with the Ven Dread and then be able to plow points back into the Crusader squads. Why do that? To get a shooter back and use my HQ Terminator squads with LC, PW and 3x PF as my counter charge capability. Discussing our two named leaders over on Marshal Laeroth's blog, I was struck by a fun thought. Excuse the strange layout, but it is two troops and two HQ choices officially. Of course, since two of the three HQs are tied to a Troop choice they can pop out also.
First up, the Lord Marshal Helbrecht himself: Helbrecht [175] Helbrecht's HomeBoyz - Command Squad, (9/5, 1xNarthicum, 1xSergeant w/ Term Honors/BP/PF, 1xCompany Champion w/ CS/BP/PW, 2xMeltaguns, the rest with BP/CCW and everybody with Furious Charge); all this packed into... Helbrecht's Ride - Land Raider Crusader, Blessed Hull, Smoke, Searchlight [568] Grimaldus comes next: Grimaldus w/ his three Cenobytes[195] Grimaldus' Gang - Crusader Squad (6/5, 1xBP/PF, 1xMeltagun, all the rest with BP/CCW); all this packed into... Grimaldus' Ride - Land Raider Crusader, Blessed Hull, Smoke, Searchlight [440] And as no Black Templar Parade is complete, here comes the Emperor's Champion of the Crusading Pimp Parade: Emperor's Champion w/ Accept Any Challenge, No Matter The Odds [140] Champion's Crew - Crusader Squad (8/6, 1xBP/PF, 1xMeltagun, all the rest BP/CCW); all this packed into... Champion's Ride - Land Raider Crusader, Blessed Hull, Smoke, Searchlight [482] Sporting 3xTL AssCans, 3x MultiMelta and 18xTL Bolters in that AV14, this could be a fun ride to get into, but getting out is when the party starts. Coming from assault vehicles, I guess I can figure it on the charge: Helbrecht & the HomeBoyz: At I6: 5+D3 PW attacks at ST5 At I5: 3 PW attacks + 34 attacks at ST5 At I1: 3 PF attacks at ST9 Grimaldus & his Gang: At I5: 6 PW attacks at ST4 At I4: 29 attacks at ST4 At I3: 6 attacks at ST3 At I1: 2 attacks at ST8 Emperor's Champion & the Golden Throne Crew: At I5: 4 PW attacks at ST6 At I4: 38 attacks at ST4 At I1: 2 attacks at ST8 It may not be Assault Terminators, but I bet someone will know they have been hit... |